Wednesday 29 January 2014

burning food fat loss

Fat Burning Food - lean meat

Finally, all of you meat lovers can rejoice! Lean meat is very important in any diet is focused on burning fat. It contains high- quality protein which reduces cravings and helps build muscle and repair of cells, which is vital in promoting a lean physique.

Protein has a high "therm organic effect" and it burns a lot of calories to break down protein and use it for energy. You need to focus on lean meats are chicken,

turkey and fish.

This is the best lean meats. Pick white meat over dark meat when eating poultry and most fish to eat is salmon or tuna, because they're packed with omega- 3 and omega- 6 fatty acids which reduces the amount of lepton in your body.

Lepton affects the metabolism of higher lepton levels in your body , the more your body stores fat.Read for more information:


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